22.03.2025 toimub Tallinnas (Euroopa hotellis) NORBERT APTERI meistriklass “Addressing and exploring role boundaries – Clarifying their four dimensions in action”. Meistriklassi fookuseks on inimestega töötavate professionaalised rollipiiride hoidmine ja seeläbi läbipõlemise ennetamine (sama mudelit saab kasutada ka klientidega). N. Apter ise kirjutab nii: “The clearer each professional role is, the more effective each professional can be and the less confusion/tensions arise in a team. All the more since the role boundaries must be in phase with the work reality. What are our role boundaries? How can we adjust them to reality? How can we help others to do so too?” Kuni 01.03.25 on soodushind 145 eur. Registreerimine: https://forms.gle/fcAbnhtYfqdnDdmE7